Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl has an XP problem for dedicated players. The XP Share feature makes normal progression pretty simple — all your Pokemon gain the same XP, even if they don’t directly participate in battles. The problems come in when you want to level up low level Pokemon to match your end-game beasts. When you’re running around with Level 70 Pokemon and you want to start using those low 15s~, the grind becomes a real nightmare. There are no XP Candies like in the later games. The only way to earn XP is by grinding battles.
And there is one particular battle you can grind that’ll net you 5,000 XP per fight. This is for late-game players, but that’s the only time you’ll really need to grind for XP. Just remember that you don’t need to put the Pokemon you’re grinding at the top of your team — they don’t need to actually fight. XP Share does the rest of the work. You only need one Level 50~ Pokemon to fight the trainer, earn your XP, and repeat as often as you like. This method isn’t exactly a magic bullet solution for our XP problems, but it might be the closest thing we get.
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How To Grind XP Fast | 5k~ XP Per Battle
There are many fights in the remake that give way more than 5,000~ XP per battle, but they can’t be repeated. To perform this method, you’ll need the Vs. Seeker to rematch trainers. You’ll absolutely get it by the time you reach this area of the game. The Vs. Seeker is a Key Item.
- Ace Trainer Battle: Route 228 – Find the Ace Trainer w/ Chansey (Lvl. 54) to earn about 4,000-5,000 XP per battle.
To earn the amount of XP show above, you’ll need to get a Lucky Egg. The Lucky Egg is a rare Hold-Item that increases XP earned from battles. Make sure your Pokemon is actually holding this item to get the benefits.
- Lucky Egg Locations: Grand Underground – Enter the Grand Underground from Lake Acuity and travel to the northwest-most chamber. There is a Pokeball containing the Lucky Egg in the center of the Ice Room.
- You can also win a Lucky Egg in Jubilife City. If you win with three numbers in the Loto-ID.
- Lucky Eggs can also be acquired in the Battle Tower with BP.
Lucky Egg effects DO STACK so acquiring multiple Lucky Eggs will increase the amount of XP you earn per battle. If all your Pokemon in your team are carrying a Lucky Egg (6 tops) you’ll be riding an XP high.
The fastest way to level up is duping Rare Candy — but as an exploit, you’ll have to search that one out yourself. You can also do a little grinding with daily post-game challenges. You can fight your Rival in Battle Tower or Dawn at Sandgem Town for huge XP rewards, but you can only fight them once per day. Hunting evolved Pokemon in the Grand Underground is also a straightforward method for earning big XP payouts per Pokemon defeat. You can even speed things up if you’ve got Quick Balls — half the time, you can immediately catch a high level evolved Pokemon with a Quick Ball in the first turn. You’ll still earn the XP.
As far as post-game / late-game XP hunting goes, these tidbits are your best bet. Getting from Level 60 to Level 100 is a slog no matter what you do. I really miss XP Candy right about now.