In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, Feebas is the hardest Pokemon to find in the entire game. Finding Feebas can be a grueling experience that is completely reliant on luck and luck alone — Feebas only spawns in one place, and on very specific tiles that change daily. Finding Feebas is a nightmare, and worst of all, Feebas evolves into Milotic, one of the best Water-Type Pokemon in the game. Before you even think about hunting Feebas, you might want to try trading for him — even an egg will do. Most players only need Feebas to complete their Pokedex, right?
But if you’re truly set on catching your own Feebas, we do have a few tips you’ll want to keep in mind. Feebas is the worst-case-scenario, nightmare Pokemon. Its just a stupid fish, but finding Feebas can take upwards of 8~ hours of straight playing. If that’s the kind of farming you’re eager to jump into, here’s what you need to know about hunting for Feebas. There is no simple solution, but there are some tips that can help keep you from wasting way too much time.
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How To Catch Feebas | Rarest Pokemon Guide
Feebas, a prehistoric fish Pokemon, is only found in one location, and will only appear in four tiles. Every 24 hours, these 4 tiles are swapped around to a new random location. Feebas only has 50% chance of appearing on these 4 tiles during the 24 hour period. There’s no way to detect where Feebas is located preemptively — the only way to find Feebas is to find it by testing every single tile.
- Where To Find Feebas: Route 211 – Mt. Coronet – Basement – Located on four random times in the water. To find Feebas, you need to fish in the tiles until you locate a Feebas.
The basement of Mt. Coronet is a large underground lake. You need a Pokemon with Surf and you need to check every single tile. You can start from any corner or any point on the map, but you need to check every single tile no matter what. Here’s a few tips to keep you sane.
- Select a Pokemon that is high level and has a HIGH SPEED in your first spot. Run away from battles where Feebas doesn’t appear. It helps if this Pokemon also has a low Friendship so you can simply escape.
- Use Fish on every tile 3 times. The four tiles with Feebas only have a 50% chance of Feebas appearing. You want to test until you’ve seen 3 Pokemon battles.
- On your front Pokemon, equip them with Suction Cups / Sticky Hold. This makes Pokemon easier to catch when Fishing.
- You’ll also want a Super Rod. The Super Rod is located in the Fight Area. Talk to the fishing NPC near Route 225 to get it.
You’ll want to bring Pokemon that easily outlevel everything in the area. Lower level Pokemon make Feebas harder to catch. If you do find a Feebas tile, don’t freak out if you don’t catch it. Feebas will continue to spawn 50% of the time on the same tile, even if you miss your first chance — it will continue to spawn at the same location for the remainder of the 24 hour period.
That also makes Feebas a very valuable Pokemon for trading in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Try keeping one and breeding just for that. Once you do get a Feebas, you’ll want to evolve it into a Milotic. Its worth the wait. An absolutely beastly Water-Type Pokemon. Maybe not worth 12+ hours of monotonous grinding, but not bad.