Reaching Tier 1 Vehicle Mastery can be a painful slog in Battlefield 2042 — unless you use an incredibly simple trick to rapidly boost your gains. If you’re aiming to unlock skins for your favorite vehicles fast, or if you just want to earn the ‘Wheeled Warrior‘ achievement / trophy which requires you to unlock Tier 1 on any vehicle, then this is the method you’ll absolutely want to try. Seriously, this beats getting kills any day. The only downside is that this method WILL NOT WORK for Jets or the Ranger. This will only work towards vehicles that count assists. You’ll see why soon.
Battlefield 2042 is the first multiplayer-only entry in the series for a long time, and the extra work shows in its near-future setting. Battlefield 2042 is more frantic and fast-paced than ever before, as your massive team works to conquer huge maps of territory with everything they’ve got. You can battle on-foot, with tanks, or even in the sky with fighter jets and choppers. Instead of classes, you’ll be selecting Operators that each have their own unique gadgets. Combine that with weapon (and vehicle) customization, and you can really do some wild stuff in the latest Battlefield.
Whether you’re running with friends or going solo, this simple strategy will make reaching Tier 1 Mastery with your favorite vehicle a lot easier.
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8 Weird Tips & Tricks | Best Guns
How To Level Up Vehicle Mastery Fast | Farming Trick
Instead of scoring kills yourself with vehicles (like a total chump) you can make your team work for you. For any vehicle that counts assists, you just need to use Proximity Grenades.
- Drive your vehicle into a big fight, then throw a Proximity Grenade. Jump back into your vehicle, and any kills earned by teammates against enemies that were scanned with your Proximity Grenade will count as assists.
Obviously you can continue to drive around scoring kills to increase your count, but that Proximity Grenade will rapidly boost your progress. Very, very quickly. You can get dozens or more in the same time it would take one or two. You’ll be earning assists left and right just by tossing Proximity Grenades into hot spots, and you don’t even have to stay alive… but staying alive does help. Just remember that this won’t work for any vehicles that don’t count Assists toward mastery completion.
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