Guardians of the Galaxy is a different kind of third-person shooter. There’s no waist-high cover — instead you’ll be using your team of heroes to unleash explosive special abilities that can weaken and defeat even the largest foes. The Guardians can’t do it alone, and even regular bad guys can really challenge you. But we’re not talking about regular bad guys here. We’re talking about the massive monsters and special bosses you’ll encounter as you play through the campaign. You’ll fight some of the strangest creatures in the Marvel Universe, as well as some of the biggest bad guys we’ve all met before. If you want to check out all the weird, alien boss monsters in Guardians of the Galaxy, check out the complete compendium below.
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Dweller-In-Darkness | Chapter 3
The Dweller-In-Darkness is a terrifying squid-like tentacle monster in the bowels of Lady Hellbender’s Castle. To escape, you’ll have to defeat this rampaging beast.
- Dodge its tentacle attacks and target the tentacles with Ice Elemental attacks or unleash Drax to deal high Stagger Damage.
- When the tentacle is downed, order Gamora to deal high damage. Do enough damage, and you can pull off a Call-To-Action and destroy the tentacle.
- If you need more time to damage the tentacles, order Groot to tie them down.
- During the second phase (after both tentacles are cut) the boss will spawn Jellies and other enemies. Use Groot and Rocket to control the crowd and continue to deal high Stagger Damage to the boss itself.
- In the third phase, the boss will continuously spawn jellies. Use Ice to freeze and then shoot them to kill them very quickly.
- In the third phase, the only way to damage the boss is to wait for it to spawn enemies. After clearing enemies, it will drop an explosive — use Call-To-Action to create a molten bomb that Drax throws back at the boss. You need to repeat this three times to stagger it.
When it is staggered on the third phase, use Call-To-Action one final time to defeat the monster and escape.

Blood Brothers | Chapter 6
This pair of burly brothers have unbreakable armor at the start of the fight. When they’re close to each other, their armor will solidify around their bodies, making them totally immune to all attacks. You need to pull them apart to deal any damage.
- At the start of the fight, Star-Lord takes on the Blood Brothers himself. Nothing you can do here except survive! Dodge their attacks and wait for a teammate to help.
- When Gamora arrives, then you’ve got a fighting chance. Lure the brothers so they’re far apart, then use Ice to build their Stagger Meter fast. When they’re staggered, use Gamora’s deadly strike to deal huge damage.
- The fight gets trickier when Drax appears. Use Drax to help build their stagger, use Gamora when they’re weakened, and shoot them when staggered to collect lots of health pick-ups.
For the first encounter, you just need to fight until someone shows up to break up the fight.

Thanos | Chapter 11
The traumatic memory of Thanos still haunts Drax. With the help of Mantis, you can destroy the physical manifestation of Drax’s darkest moments.
- Thanos is a big slow brawler. Not entirely impressive for the Mad Titan. Taking down his first phase is simple, just shoot him until he’s down.
- After that, a new Thanos will spawn after each defeat — he’ll split into two and begin to swarm you. He has the ability to lock a character down with a grapple. They can only be freed by defeating the Thanos.
- There can be almost a dozen Thanos clones. If you keep fighting, the battle will last forever.
- To end the fight, allow Thanos to defeat Star-Lord.
Fighting is the problem. Accepting is the only way to escape the memory of Thanos.

Fin Fang Foom | Chapter 13
The legendary dragon Fin Fang Foom awaits! This ice-armored giant monster won’t go down without a fight.
- Fin Fang Foom is covered in ice armor. Use Fire Element shot to melt his armor — you can see your progress by watching the blue ice overlay on the boss health meter. Destroy all four sections of ice armor.
- After the ice armor is broken, Foom will use its fire breath to rain ice shards onto the arena. You can break these shards to gain health pick-ups.
- When it it shooting fire into the sky, use a Call-To-Action to interrupt and stun the giant monster. When it’s down, use all the high-damage abilities you can on it.
- Try to aim for the chest. You don’t need to use lock-on — most of its attacks will be telegraphed with red circles on the arena. If you lock-on, you can have a hard time seeing them. Just shoot at Foom and keep an eye on those circles.
- Make sure to keep your allies alive. They’ll go down often in this fight, so revive them whenever the area is clear.
- Only Star-Lord and Rocket can hit Foom with abilities for most of the fight. Use them often! Especially Star-Lord’s rapid-fire attack. You can also target Foom’s hands with melee attacks when he places them on your side of the arena.
To deal serious damage to Foom, watch when your team prepares a giant ice catapult during Foom’s fire barrage attack. Use a Call-To-Action on Foom’s chest to launch it during this attack. This deals huge damage and stuns it.
Taking down Foom gives you a finally ally against the Church’s fleet. Now we’re really entering the endgame.

Grand Unifier Raker | Chapter 15
Raker is charged with Faith Energy and ready to fight. He has an unbreakable shield protecting him and x3 health bars.
Even his flunkies are tough — four Sorcerers that heal each other. Before the fight begins, focus on one Sorcerer at a time and Stagger them. While Staggered, you’ll deal extreme damage with Gamora and your rapid-fire attack. Clear out all four and the fight against Raker begins.
- Raker is a super-charged Sorcerer, with powerful drone attacks, bomb barrages, lunge assaults, and more. He has versions of all their attacks, only they’re faster and much deadlier. Don’t take him lightly.
- Break down his shield with Fire Element and focused single-enemy attacks. Use everything you have when his shields go down — but save your Ultimate Abilities for later.
- After taking down his shield once, he’ll summon a glowing ball that completely disables your powers. This is an incredibly dangerous attack, and you can die rapidly here if you’re not careful.
- Later, this attack becomes more powerful. It will completely blind you and leave you vulnerable. Stand in place and dodge his drones, then watch for the red alert marker. That means he’s about to lunge at you, which can kill in one hit if you’re low on health.
- Save Groot’s Ultimate Ability for if you die. Use your other Ultimates (one each) while his shield is up to rapidly take it back down in the second half of the fight, and save Star-Lord’s special for the last health bar. You’ll be invulnerable so it makes the final part a lot easier.
And you’ll absolutely want to use your Team Huddle about halfway through to deal more damage and revive any teammates if they’re down. In this fight, you’re more likely to die than your team, so use it for the damage boost!

Magus | Chapter 16
Magus, the evil shadow of Adam Warlock, has emerged.
- Magus starts by throwing an entire planet at the Guardians. Rush to hide in Nikki’s shield to avoid instant death.
- Next, you’ll have to fight waves of Magus drones — black creatures. Just keep destroying them.
- Between encounters, choose the most annoying options when talking to Magus. Slow clap, make fun of his rhyming, and more. Anything to piss Magus off.
Complete two waves of bad guys and your team will use the Soul Stone to capture The Magus. Complete the QTEs, and the Magus will finally be defeated.
And that’s the big finale! The Guardians of the Galaxy saved the universe and we’ve defeated all the big bosses in the game. Give yourself a big pat on the back.