Cyberpunk 2077 is coming up on one year since it was first released and, for many, the game is still unplayable. Will the Next-Gen update that’s still scheduled for release this year fix that? Cyberpunk 2077 was famously removed from the PlayStation Store after the debacle of a launch it had. The game was so bad on original PS4 consoles that it was essentially deemed unplayable. The situation was the same for Xbox One owners, with Microsoft posting a warning message on the games store page. Microsoft also offered full refunds to players who had purchased the game digitally.
The past year has been one of trying to patch Cyberpunk 2077 into a playable form. It has been going relatively well. The game has received a lot of bug fixes and improvements to performance. It still isn’t the game that people were expecting before release, but it is better.
The Next-Gen update for Cyberpunk 2077 should, in theory, provide console players with the experience that they were expecting a year ago. Well, those console players who can actually get their hands on Next-Gen systems anyway. If the PC improvements are anything to go by then things could be looking good for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of the game.
The PC version of the game was never quite as bad as consoles, to begin with. CD Project Red has still made improvements to how the game runs on mid-range PCs over the past year which could be indicative of what we can expect on Next-Gen consoles. If CDPR can translate what they have done on PC to Next-Gen consoles then Cyberpunk 2077 may finally be the game people were promised. Just, not on last-gen systems.
If CD Project Red can deliver a stable and bug-free Next-Gen update that improves the overall experience for console players then maybe, just maybe they can save the game. At least, maybe they can begin to save the game. Even a year after release, Cyberpunk 2077 still has a long way to go.