The new expansion for The Outer Worlds takes you intrepid space adventurer to the strange colony of Eridanus to solve a ghastly murder. With the entire colony on lockdown, the culprit is lurking somewhere in the massive facility populated by giant floating rocks. This add-on is much more story-focused than the first, giving you access to a huge environment full of NPCs to interrogate and side-quests to complete. It’s also a little more linear, but you won’t want to stumble into all of Eridanus’s secrets too quickly, would you?
The “Murder on Eridanus” DLC is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X for $14.99 or $24.99 for the Season Pass, containing both DLC episodes. You’ll need to purchase, install, and update your copy of The Outer Worlds to play — and you’ll need to fulfill some pretty steep in-game requirements to access this final (maybe) extra adventure. Below we’ve got a full breakdown of requirements to get you started.
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To gain access to the “Murder on Eridanos” quest area, you’ll need to purchase the DLC and complete the following in-game requirements:
- Must have gained access to the landing pad in Stellar Bay.
- Recommended for players Level 30 or higher.
To begin the DLC quest, go to your ship and approach ADA. ADA will ask you to watch an Aetherwave drama. Start the quest “No Night Without Stars” to begin the DLC content. If you’ve already started the trip to Tartarus, you’ll be given the option to cancel. This will load a save previous to your trip to Tartarus.
Weirdly, this DLC has a higher level requirement, but you don’t need to get as far in the main story as the previous DLC expansion “Peril on Gorgon” — in that DLC, you needed to complete one of the two major Monarch quests. For the second DLC, you only need to reach Titan to begin your adventure.