Stealthy Stronghold
The strange prison-like fort is on the northern ridge of the island near the lighthouse — and the area is a weird mish-mash of themes. You’ll find a thick jungle, old ruins, and stilt villages in the underbrush.
And it all exists as a training facility for the Hunters organization. Search the ruins and you’ll find a hidden entrance into an underground bunker with a Hunters symbol. The entrance doors are locked for now, but I’m sure we’ll discover more secrets here in the future.

And The Fortilla Is Totally Gone
The final major change to the map is actually a removal. The Fortilla in the southwest has been sunk. Slurpy Swamp is just as moist as always, but the Fortilla is completely gone. There’s not even a hint that this area still exists.
Kind of a damp squib to end the tour, but that covers everything that’s new in Season 5. Enjoy the fun while it lasts — and expect to see lots more locations as the island progresses.