The Playstation 5 promises 99% backwards compatibility with the PS4, and that includes the full library of PSVR games. But before you can play those PSVR games on PS5, you’ll need a special camera adaptor add-on first. Sony is ready to provide the adaptor totally free of charge.
To get a free adaptor for the PS Camera, you just need to go to the Sony Support site, input some info, and get your adaptor shipped to you. It’s really free, but the website is getting seriously slammed by PSVR owners looking to bring their libraries to the PS5. You might have to wait a day or two until the crowd calms down and the websites load as intended.
More Playstation 5 info you need to know:
All The PS4 Games You Can Play On PS5 | Backwards Compatibility List | How To Transfer Save Files & Games From PS4 To PS5
To get the free adaptor for the PSVR and use your existing PS4 VR hardware on the PS5, visit the following Sony Support sites:
- US / Canada / Mexico: Sony Support Site
- Other Regions: Sony Support Site
Make sure to click “Yes” to accept cookies, then check the Captcha.
After that, input the PS VR Serial number found on the back of the Processor Unit. This is the large box that plugs into your PS4. Exclude any dashes or spaces.
The final step is to input your address and confirm. That’s it! Sony promises that all PSVR adaptors will be free of charge, so you don’t have to input your credit card information or anything. Just give proof of your PSVR and the adaptor is your’s to use on the PS5.