#21: Here’s an obvious one — when using a fire sword to fight animals, you’ll get cooked meat instead of raw meat. It seems like a waste of a good fire sword, but it’s still pretty funny.
#22: Struggling with bees while trying to collect a nest or two? Use a lead to tether an individual bee, lure it away, then tether it to a post in an interior room. Do it for all the bees, and you can steal a nest without getting attacked.
#23: While you’re exploring the Nether, don’t be afraid to relocate your Nether Portal. You can smash it, and move it to a new (and better) location whenever you want. It will always take you back to your portal in the Overworld.
#24: Llamas follow the leader! You can take an entire herd of llamas with you — just place a lead on one, and the rest of the herd will follow.
There’s a lot of Minecraft secrets to discover (or rediscover) — check the next page for more.