#5: Armor Stands, Glass blocks, and Paintings don’t mix. Give a Glass Block to an Armor Stand to hold, and you can see straight through paintings — like they’re invisible!
#6: Want to make your storage room look even better? Place signs on over item frames to give them notation — the signs can be placed directly on an item frame.
#7: Thrown potions have a longer effect the further a potion travels. If you’re going to throw a potion, throw it directly up into the air instead of down at your feet!
#8: Trapping a llama aboard a boat turns it into a mini-battleship. Not only can you get extra storage on the llama, but the llama’s spit-attack gives you a ranged blast to fight enemies from afar.
There’s a lot of Minecraft secrets to discover (or rediscover) — check the next page for more.