The new Titan Raid might still be in beta for Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start discussing the difficult boss encounters.
Like the raids in Destiny 2, you’ll work with a team to fight challenging bosses with their very own special mechanics. Raids are extremely difficult, and require a lot of teamwork to survive — and the Titan Raid is no different. It helps to know exactly how to handle each boss, and we’re going to explain all the mechanics in the full guides below.
There are four main encounters in the Titan Raid. Each encounter, like the bosses in the Division 2 raid, has special mechanics you’ll need to exploit to win. While the Ghost Recon: Breakpoint raid isn’t quite as advanced as those other games, it’s still a pretty tough fight. I’ll explain how each encounter works, and what you need to know to win.
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How To Beat All 4 Raid Bosses | Project Titan Guide
There are 4 boss encounters in the Titan Raid. At the start of the mission, you’ll receive a clue and a photograph showing where to find your mission. Entering the correct area will initiate a boss encounter.

Encounter #1: Titan Alpha – Baal
The Basics: The massive Baal tank has an insta-kill mechanic, and features a tiny weak point on the back of the tank. The Titan Alpha tank scans players with a blue (and later purple) laser. Once the scan reaches 100%, the player will die instantly from a rocket attack.
Strategy: Stay behind the tank and shoot the tiny blue panel weakpoint with burst or single-shot weapons. It’s hard to hit, so accuracy matters. Draw aggro by getting close to the tank — it will follow whoever is closest.
To remove the laser scan, run in front of the laser scanning a player — it will swap to that player. The trick of this fight is that you need to constantly swap laser-scans to avoid an insta-kill. Assign numbers to each player (1,2,3,4) and call out in order to swap the beam.
- NOTE: Do not swap the laser-scan back immediately. It takes time for the scan to decay. Swap to a third player first before swapping back.
At 50% health, the tank will add a second purple laser-scan. You’ll need to use the same tactic to swap scans before the meter reaches 100%. The boss will spawn Shotgun Wolves and a Sniper will appear when a sound chimes. Focus on clearing Wolves if you’re scanned / drawing aggro. The tank can’t hurt you unless the laser-scan reaches 100%.

Encounter #2: Titan Beta – Super Computer
The Basics: The massive super-computer has three weak-point nodes you must destroy simultaneously. The room slowly fills with toxic gas and flying drones. You’ll need to closely coordinate with your team to clear this encounter.
Strategy: This boss requires player communication — one player needs to be assigned to the control room, while the other three players will need to spread-out to three different areas with three terminals each. The control room player uses three maps — each map shows three terminal locations, with a red dot.
The control room player will announce which of the three dots is red to each player — each player has time to find the terminals before the encounter begins. Call out [Left / Right / Center] to each team member. Hack the correct terminals to disable the toxic gas and begin the DPS phase.
When the toxic gas is disabled, everyone needs to rush downstairs to one of the three computer nodes. Use the hand scanners to reveal the node, and then everyone can shoot together. Rinse and repeat, dealing with incoming drones as you reset.

Encounter #3: Titan Omega – Gargoyle
The Basics: A giant flying drone that unleashes a variety of attacks, summons laser beams, and has a squad-wipe mechanic. Aim and shoot at the panels on the sides to stop it. Shoot the exhaust port underneath to damge it.
Strategy: The trickiest part of this fight is the insta-kill shock blast. When the boss flies to the center of the arena, it will charge and unleash a shockwave that kills your entire team. To stop it, aim and coordinate to shoot at the side-panels at the same time. That will stop the attack.
Stay on the move to avoid AOE shock rockets that leave behind lingering damage areas. Shoot the exhaust port on the underside of the flyer to damage it — and take care of the drones that fly into the area. You’ll also need to look out for killer lasers that cross through the arena.
Have all four players stand at each corner of the map. Stay in the basic square, and watch out for the laser that crosses over the map. Be prepared — shoot the panels under the wings simultaneously to stop the blast attack.
- NOTE: To avoid the lasers, just keep sprinting until the red area stops and you’re free to take cover. Anyone caught in the laser will die instantly.
At 50%, the boss will summon two laser attacks. At 15%, it will constantly enter the shockwave attack mode. Continuously aim for the underside exhaust port to slowly whittle away its health, and eventually you’ll win.
Encounter #4: Titan Zeta – Cerberus
The Basics: Three drones that must be destroyed simultaneously. They constantly spawn explosive drones that hone-in on your team — and the weak points are only revealed when the drone bosses are pulled away from each other.
Strategy: The 3 ‘heads’ of the Cerberus heal each other when they’re close. Their weak point will also lock-down when they’re near another ‘head’. Get close to them, and they’ll begin to follow. To defeat this boss, you need to assign each player to draw aggro by getting close to a ‘head’ and pulling them away from each other.
You’ll need to hurt them all at the same time. After pulling them, focus on bringing down all three ‘head’ health bars to about 5%. Don’t destroy them! They’ll regenerate unless all three are destroyed at about the same time.
- NOTE: The ‘heads’ will connect to each other with insta-kill red lasers. Avoid these!
They’ll link to each other with red insta-kill lasers at about 50% health. Keep players assigned to drawing aggro, and move clockwise around the arena — make sure everyone is moving in the same direction, or you’ll slam into those deady red lasers. With everyone working together, this final round is possible. It’s also really, really hard.