Claymore / Proximity Mines Practically Guarantee A Kill
In my experience, claymores and proximity mines are guaranteed kills. Place them next to a doorway with high traffic, or behind you when you’re holding an objective, and enemy players will always step on them. The Proximity Mine is a particularly cruel weapon — drop if you think you’re about to die, and wait for your killer to stroll over.
Concussion Grenades Are Better Than Flashbangs
Flashbangs have way more utility in COD:MW, but concussion grenades are better for one reason — stun. Flashbangs don’t stun, while concussion grenades do. A stunned enemy can’t return fire, making them an easy target. Flashbanged opponents can still get a lucky kill.
Heartbeat Sensor Is Insanely Useful For Objective Modes
Bring the Heartbeat Sensor to check objectives before rushing in. It’s better than any other method, because you can spot campers with the sensor. Play with a team and call out over mic to really make use of the Heartbeat Sensor.

Don’t Sprint Everywhere! Slow Down & Play Carefully
COD: MW is a slower, more tactical game. Sprint from cover-to-cover, double-tap sprint to go faster, and slow down to check around corners. You can’t quick draw if you’re sprinting. Literally everything in slower in this game — except TTK (Time To Kill). Move deliberately and learn the layouts of maps.
Grab Tanks At The HQ In Ground War For Endless Kills
For my final tip, we’re going the surefire method in Ground War. At the start of a session, you’ll find two tanks at your HQ. There’s an APC and an IFV. Use the Light Tank — it has a powerful cannon, and two anti-tank missiles you can use to steamroll enemy vehicles on the map. Most of the time, you’ll be shocked that nobody will spawn with a rocket launcher to counter you. Just part near an enemy objective and let the kills roll in.