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Business doesn’t always have to be serious. Business can be fun. Also, business usually has a tight set of rules and revolves around resource allocation. So in a way, business in the real world already is a sort of game. But if you want to play that game, it’s actually much easier to just turn on your PC and play one of the many great business tycoon simulations out there.
There is a special flavor for everyone. Historical business simulation? Done. Present day urban planning? Got it. Science fiction space station businesses? Yeah why not.
This is a very PC eccentric genre, there are few ports on consoles that are above anything but “passable”. Interestingly enough though, it seems mobile touch devices see the most innovative new entries here, leading to a small renaissance of a genre that was in a steady decline into obscurity for years now.
#15 Tropico 6

- Developer: Limbic Entertainment
- Publisher: Kalypso Media
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO
- Release: March 29, 2019
- Gameranx Before You Buy
Tropico received a new installment in 2019 and if you played past installments then you’ll be rather familiar with Tropico 6. This is a series where players take on the role of a leader, known as El Presidente, who is in control of a Caribbean island. Being the leader you’ll have control over a variety of aspects that range from political situations, laws, and overall management to the island itself. Now as done previously, gamers will be taking control of the island over a course of four eras, but depending on how you handle various situations will determine if your island flourishes or if you’ll end up dealing with a revolt.
#14 Surviving Mars

- Developer: Haemimont Games
- Publisher: Paradox Interactive
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO
- Release: March 15, 2018
Within Surviving Mars players will be on the cold red planet where their sole goal is to manage and oversee the colonization of the new world. Of course, there will be some challenges that will come up giving players some tough obstacles to pass through.
This is a city-builder type game as well where players will have to build up their colony and gather resources to maintain their colonization. As a result, the game will have a bit of a strategy element to the gameplay.
#13 RollerCoaster Tycoon Series

- Developer: Chris Sawyer Productions, Frontier Developments, n-Space, On5, Nvizzio Creations
- Publisher: Hasbro Interactive, Infogames, Atari
- Platforms: PC, Xbox, iOS
- Release: 1999 – 2016
Main Games
- RollerCoaster Tycoon
- RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
- RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
- RollerCoaster Tycoon World
The RollerCoaster Tycoon series plays out much like Zoo Tycoon. Players are in control of a theme park where they must design the layout, hire employees, bring in businesses and maintain the various rides. Essentially, instead of animals like Zoo Tycoon, you’re swapping them out for amusement park rides while still maintaining the behind-the-scenes ventures that goes into managing a business and keeping operations running smoothly.
RollerCoaster Tycoon also was an IP that exchanged hands across a few different development studios where it originated by Christ Sawyer Productions back in 1999 but even with the games being tossed around different development studios, the overall goal and mechanics are intact. For instance, the latest main video game release, RollerCoaster Tycoon World launched in 2016 where again players are building up rides, shops and managing the par while tweaking the visuals for the latest PC platform components.
This franchise is not slowing down as Atari made note of other installments that is currently in the works such as RollerCoaster Tycoon for the Nintendo Switch.
#12 SimCity Series

- Developer: Maxis, Tilted Mill Entertainment, Aspyr Media, etc
- Publisher: Electronic Arts, Nintendo, Maxis, etc
- Platforms: PC, PSX, PS3, DS, GBA, Wii, etc
- Release: 1989 – 2014
The SimCity has been a long running video game franchise that first debuted into the market back in 1989. Several developers and publishers have had their hand on the video game franchise and it’s been available on a wide range of platforms. In a lot of ways, SimCity is one of the pioneering video game franchises to help other popular tycoon video games come out into the market.
Because this franchise has been around since the late 1980s, there are so many video game titles available to play but the latest main installment to really hit the market was SimCity, a 2013 reboot which had its own rocky launch and issues, but we won’t open that can of worms here.
Overall, SimCity allows players to create a city and build upon it while aiding any issues that the civilians bring up. Of course, one of the wrenches that is tossed at players progress is the various natural disasters and hostilities that occur which will require rebuilding up parts of your city locations.
#11 OpenTTD

- Developer: OpenTTD Team
- Publisher: OpenTTD Team
- Platforms: PC
- Release: March 14, 2004
OpenTTD is a game well worth trying out as it’s available free and open-source. The video game was developed as a remake of 1995’s Transport Tycoon Deluxe but with this remake comes new content and features. Players will find that the base game is still about transporting passengers and cargo for profit through the means of road, rail, sea or air. As mentioned, there are a few additions to this game with players receiving more map sizes, language support, AI, multiplayer, among other useful features that were previously unavailable through Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
This title has also been going strong for a number of years now due to it being open-source. Ultimately, this means that even though the game released over a decade ago, it’s still being supported and updated. For instance, the latest stable version update was released in April of 2018. However, outside of stable version releases, there is other modifications and online content that players can download for their game to include new sets of vehicles, industries, cargoes and buildings. You’ll even find downloads available to give players new scenarios and custom AIs.
Lastly, because this game also supports online multiplayer, gameplay can be competitive. This title includes games that can feature up to 255 players where they will compete as a transportation company. All-in-all, being that this game is free to download and try, we recommend giving it a go.
#10 Cities Skylines

- Developer: Colossal Order
- Publisher: Paradox Interactive
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, NS
- Release: March 10, 2015
Cities: Skylines may not have been developed by EA Maxis, but it’s certainly what most of its players and fans of the simulation/tycoon genre would consider being the true successor to the SimCity series of games.
Similar to the SimCity series, Cities: Skylines is a simulation title in which players can build up and maintain a city, full of buildings and civilians. The game will put gamers in control of various zoning’s, road placements, taxation, transportation, and even public services.
Of course, the game will throw players a few problems as well. This could be as simple as focusing on desires from your civilians to natural disasters wrecking sections of the city. Much like The Sims 4, Cities: Skylines have also received a number of expansion packs.
For instance, the Mass Transit expansion pack introduced new transit systems into the game such as cable cars and blimps along with a mini-expansion called Concerts which allowed gamers to bring in new event venues for concerts and festivals.
#9 Tiny Tower

- Developer: NimbleBit
- Publisher: NimbleBit
- Platforms: Ios, Android
- Release: June 23, 2011
Tiny Tower released in 2011 and due to its success, the development studio, NimbleBit, has launched a few other spin-off games based around the same mechanics. Within Tiny Tower, players are tasked with managing a tower where they are constantly aiming to make it grow by adding new floors. Each floor offers a commercial business such as a coffee house, sushi bar or Laundromat. Throughout the day new citizens will enter your elevator where they will shop at the commercial businesses or be put to work on a specific floor.
Each citizen will have stats and it’s up to the player in order to determine just what floor business will benefit from their work. As mentioned, the game is all about making money in order to build up your tower which will also allow other businesses to be incorporated in your tower. It’s a simplistic game that can be enjoyed on either Android or Apple devices. Likewise, there have been a few spin-off titles such as Tiny Tower Vegas and Tiny Death Star but they are traditionally played the same.
#8 Prison Architect

- Developer: Introversion Software
- Publisher: Introversion Software, Paradox Interactive
- Platforms: PC, PS4, X360, XBO, Ios, Android, NS
- Release: October 6, 2015
Prison Architect puts players in control of their own customized prison. The video game was developed under Introversion Software after it was crowdfunded where developers task players with creating and managing a prison system. This includes not only building up the prison with various cells and facilities but the utilities required to operate a prison. Likewise, the game does include the ability to hire various staff members such as a warden and guards.
It’s not all about crafting and running a prison system but also managing the finances and keeping inmates in control. You may also opt to incorporate more reform programs in order to rehabilitate the prison inmates to live a productive and law abiding life outside of prison. Overall, the game has been a positive hit since its release in 2015, but we haven’t seen any indication that a sequel is in the works. Instead, there are other future projects currently in the works by Introversion Software so we’re sure that this game may be the only installment of the franchise for the time being.
#7 Anno Series

- Developer: Max Design, Related Designs, Blue Byte, Keen Games, Kaiko GmbH
- Publisher: Sunflowers Interactive, Ubisoft, Disney Interactive Studios
- Platforms: PC, DS, Wii, Android, Ios
- Release: 1998 – 2015
The Anno series is another long running video game franchise that makes it on our list. There are a few elements that are featured within this particular franchise tycoon games such as building up a city similar but outside of just building up a city, players will be managing resources, exploring locations, focusing on combat forces, diplomacy and trade. Like most video game franchises that have been around for years, there tends to be a few development studios that work on the video game but as of late, Blue Byte has been the lead developer in charge.
While the last video game installment of the franchise released in 2015, there is a brand new game in the works right now under Blue Byte. Anno 1800 will retain the same city building and managing mechanics that the feature is known for but it will take place in the 19th century during the Industrial Age.
#6 Planet Zoo

- Developer: Frontier Developments
- Publisher: Frontier Developments
- Platforms: PC
- Release: November 5, 2019
When it comes to the tycoon franchise, you’re likely aware of the Zoo Tycoon series. It was a classic video game series that put players in control of managing and building a custom zoo. The development studio decided to make a spiritual successor with the release of Planet Zoo in 2019. The video game acts much like the original titles as you’ll have total control over the zoo and how its design.
From there, you’ll need to manage the zoo to ensure that the animals are in great shape and happy. Likewise, you’ll need to ensure those attending the zoo are having a great time with both access to view the different species of animals and entertainment attractions or goods littered throughout the location. Most of the gameplay is easily compared to the Planet Coaster release which was also handled by Frontier Developments.
#5 Planet Coaster

- Developer: Frontier Developments
- Publisher: Frontier Developments
- Platforms: PC
- Release: November 17, 2016
After their work with the RollerCoaster Tycoon franchise, Frontier Developments decided to take what they learned and enhance it with their very own tycoon IP called Planet Coaster. This is a video game aimed to be a spiritual successor to the RollerCoaster Tycoon franchise where players are given a brand new theme park tycoon management video game.
There’s nothing really that drastically sets it apart from the RollerCoaster Tycoon franchise, but it does prove to be just as or if not even more entertaining than the RollerCoaster Tycoon series. Players will have three different game modes to enjoy on the franchise which includes sandbox, challenge and career mode.
Within the sandbox mode players are given a plot of land and unlimited funds to craft a theme park of their own design while the challenge mode gives players a series of tasks to complete in order to earn perks or money. Lastly, the career mode will once again present objectives to complete though it will also give an overall scenario to go through which will also teach you the fundamentals of the video game.
#4 Frostpunk

- Developer: 11 bit studios
- Publisher: 11 bit studios
- Platform: PC
- Release Date: April 24, 2018
From the developers who delivered This War of Mine to the masses in 2014 comes their latest title release, Frostpunk. If you’re familiar with This War of Mine, you’ll find that Frostpunk shares some strong similarities, one of which is toying with the player’s moral compass.
Within the game, players are left having to control a city of civilians who is seeking refuge from the harsh cold temperatures within the world. Being one of the few cities built around a heat source, players will have to strategize on how to handle various issues that may come up.
The game will force players to seek out resources and build up the city. However, gameplay will soon become a balancing act when it comes to pulling resources together in order to fight off problems that may affect the health and safety of the city inhabitants.
#3 Game Dev Story

- Developer: Kairosoft
- Publisher: Kairosoft
- Platforms: PC, Android, Ios
- Release: October 9, 2010
Game Dev Story may be best known for the Android and Apple mobile devices, the game originated in 1997 for the PC platform in Japan. If you’re unfamiliar with the game, Game Dev Story puts players in control of their own video game development studio where they must hire on staff and create video games to be published into the market.
The game is very simplistic where players select various options in regards to the video game being developed along with key individuals who may have a hand on the title development. From there it’s a battle to tweak the game and have it ready to ship where you’ll see reviews from critics and fans.
Overall, the goal of Game Dev Story is to bring out a successful game that will allow you to upgrade your development studio and hire on new staff members. It’s worth mentioning that this development studio who has created Game Dev Story has released a number of other similar tycoon and business management video games that is worth looking into if you enjoy this particular title.
#2 Animal Crossing: New Horizons

- Developer: Nintendo
- Publisher: Nintendo
- Platforms: Nintendo Switch
- Release: March 20, 2020
- Gameranx Before You Buy
Animal Crossing a well known and much-beloved video game franchise. It spans across several installments and each with their own take on bringing something a little bit different but overall the same feel and vibe that fans would appreciate. The latest installment hit Nintendo Switch in 2020 where we got Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Again, this is a game that will more or less play out very much the same. You take control of this island with barely anything available and it’s your job to build it up. Players will be cleaning up weeds, chopping down trees, removing rocks, gathering flowers, catching fish, not to mention some rare bugs, all in hopes of attracting more visitors.
Eventually, players will be able to build the area up to more and provide a real thriving town for not only NPCs but other players to visit. A neat little attribute is an in-game economy. You might find some players exchanging goods for funds or other items giving another reason to go out and start your hunt for different goods. For fans that enjoy the series, then chances are you are already playing this game. However, this is still a perfect jumping point for newcomers. While the game plays in realtime, you’re going to find enough content to enjoy daily though there are some ways to get around time restrictions to either allow you to catch a certain item or speed the days up.
#1 Stardew Valley

- Developer: ConcernedApe
- Publisher: Chucklefish
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, NS, PSV
- Release: February 26, 2016
Stardew Valley has been a huge hit that acts very much like the Harvest Moon franchise. This is a farming style simulation title where players take on the role of a character who inherits their grandfather’s dilapidated farm.
Again, much like Harvest Moon, the game will have players tending to crops and their livestock while also introducing craft goods, mining, among other social activities. Since its release back in 2016 the video game became a massive hit and has sold over three million units by the end of 2017. This is one game that really captured gamers worldwide and we’re sure that this means a sequel is likely set to be in the works.
Honorable Mention
Zoo Tycoon Series

- Developer: Blue Fang Games, Frontier Developments, Behaviour Interactive
- Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
- Platforms: PC, X360, XBO
- Release: 2001-2017
Main Games
- Zoo Tycoon
- Zoo Tycoon 2
- Zoo Tycoon (2013)
- Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection
The Zoo Tycoon series has a number of installments available across a variety of platforms. Initially, the game came into fruition in 2001 by development studio Blue Fang Games. Players are given the lead position when it comes to a functioning zoo. This means that players are constructing the design of the zoo, what animals are on display, businesses available within the zoo location along with other entertainment for its guests.
Throughout the game players are juggling maintenance of the zoo along with turning a profit which may mean listening to guests interests at the zoo and their dislikes. Over the years, the game series has exchanged different development studios but the games continued to follow the same overall groundwork that Blue Fang Games laid with the first installment.
As it stands right now, Frontier Developments released the last main installment to the series, with Zoo Tycoon, a reboot of the original video game title. This title released in 2013 for the Xbox One and Xbox 360 platforms and while both held the same overall mechanics that fans of the series is familiar with, there was a campaign mode that offered players a variety of challenges.
With that said if you’re looking to enjoy the classic main Zoo Tycoon titles and their various expansion packs then you’ll want to look at Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection which launched in 2017 for the Xbox One and PC platforms. This collection included the first two Zoo Tycoon games along with their expansion packs while also including a few new animals and HDR 4K resolution.
Jurassic World Evolution

- Developer: Frontier Developments
- Publisher: Frontier Developments
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO
- Release: June 12, 2018
- Gameranx Before You Buy
If you enjoy building up parks and attractions while managing the business side of things then you’ll want to check out Jurassic World Evolution. The video game was also developed by Frontier Developments who had worked on other beloved tycoon franchises such as RollerCoaster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon.
With this release, players are put in control of building their own Jurassic Park where you’ll manage the design while managing the business when it comes to bringing guests back to the Jurassic age.
Likewise, there will be a section based around developing new creatures, similar to the story of Jurassic World. Unfortunately, if you enjoy the more in-depth city building and managing titles put out into the market then you might find this game to be a bit disappointing but on the flip side, if you find some of the more popular city builder and simulation games to be too overwhelming then we suggest giving this game a try.
Game Dev Studio

- Developer: Roman Glebenkov
- Publisher: Roman Glebenkov
- Platforms: PC
- Release: March 12, 2018
There’s quite a few different game development tycoon titles available into the market and chances are you may have played one of them at some point. However, there is a title we wanted to add into this list which is Game Dev Studio. At its core, this is still very much the same style of gameplay, where players are building up a studio and bringing out new video game titles for the public to enjoy. However, Game Dev Studio seems to offer a bit more into the mix. There’s the ability to really expand at your own pace and deliver a more assortment of content for players.
Rather than aimlessly hiring employees to craft up a game, you can decide on the scope of the project, if it receives DLC, or even if you opt to make a massive MMO style of video game that would require a monthly fee for players to enjoy. The development team behind this title is also delivering plenty of updates to ensure everything is not only working well but also adding some additional content for players to make use of within the game.