EA Sports UFC Shows Bruce Lee Vs BJ Penn In E3 2014
The Brazilian BJJ star is good, but is he good enough to take on the icon?
The Brazilian BJJ star is good, but is he good enough to take on the icon?
No less than Star Wars launched EA's E3 for 2014.
The explosions are the biggest they have been yet.
Lara's back and she's wearing some new duds.
Xbox One owners get 1st dibs on some cool things.
Insomniac put on a colorful light show for E3 today.
Crossover game looks set to appear in Nintendo's event.
The originator of the Dial-A-Combo is back, and he's got an awesome manstache.
As promised, Kojima has made this trailer hard to watch.
A lot of characters are coming back, in spiffy new threads and transformations.
Maxis has been sharing content for the new game via a really slow burn.
The next MMA game franchise boasts a mix of old and new fighters alike.
Surprisingly, Bioware went for a random draw to pick their fan voice actors for the game.
Arkham Knight and Batmobile define what the game will be like.
You can get a sneak peek of the game here, but perhaps it's a little too early to be asking for footage.
Get another close look at what you can look forward to when the game comes to PS3.
If you're willing to take info, any info though, we've picked up a big batch of rumors.
Some fans think they already know what the latest trailer is hinting at.
Major Nelson has made a vital clarification on recent news, raising even more questions.
Are you hyped for the Smash event in this year's E3 yet?
Mojang and 4J take their time with their updates, but now we know just a little bit more prior to E3.
It seems there was no point to hiding it after all the leaks that have come out.
Sources are leaning on it coming up tomorrow, which is a fortuituous coincidence.