EA Sports has just launched the demo for FIFA 13 on all three primary platforms the game is set to be playable on: the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.
Lacking much of the functionality of the full game, the demo includes five playable teams for players to interact with including AC Milan, Arsenal, Dortmund, Juventus, and Manchester City. They’re but a small selection of the teams that will be available for players to team up with in the full game. As the demo doesn’t allow players to create their own teams, you’ll have to pick up the full game if you’d like to experience the game in proper.
PC gamers interested in spending some time on the field can download the demo from Origin here. Xbox 360 and PS3 players can pick up the demo on Xbox Live and PSN, respectively. The console version of the demo is currently rolling out at different times across the globe, so you may not be able to download the game just yet.
FIFA 13 will be out in stores in late September.