A tool-assisted World of Goo speed-run has been released on TASVideos, and developer of the game 2D Boy has taken what seems to be quite a shine to it.
The speed-run, (which shows that theoretically, the game can be completed in 31 minutes) has led the developer to joke that it was “made possible by cyborgs.”
“Perhaps someone can explain this better than me, but here’s how I think this works: A bright young fan of World of Goo turned on their Nintendo Wii, and then legitimately purchased a copy of World of Goo from WiiWare, and then merged his or her brain with a quantum time vortex computer, and PLAYED EVERY SINGLE LEVEL in like 0.2 seconds each, finishing the entire game in 31 minutes, 99% of that time waiting for cutscenes and animations. Each, animation an eternity. A hummingbird’s wings flap leisurely outside the window,” reads the 2D Boy blog.
Indeed, because the levels are completed so quickly, much of the speed-run comes from speed-tallying, cutscenes, and any odds and ends that aren’t just gameplay.
Far from being the result of a quantum time vortex computer merging with anyone’s brain, these kinds of tool-assisted speed-runs can be made via emulation. World of Goo’s WiiWare version was used for this; tool-assisted speed-run authors are able to slow gameplay down and use save states as a way to reach completion times that are otherwise impossible.
Via: Indie Games