While Final Fantasy VII Rebirth may not have met Square Enix’s sales expectations, it did get a recent nomination for Game of the Year. It’s not surprising that it got that, either, as both fans and critics loved it outside of some key nitpicks. Those were mainly about the changes to the plot and such. Even with those nitpicks, the game was lauded for its visuals, voice acting, the freedom to explore the world, deep combat, and so on. The question that many have now is whether there will be more to come with it, or whether the team will focus on the final part of the “Remake Saga.”
By that, we’re referring to how the first game in the saga had a special DLC addition featuring a new prequel-style story with fan-favorite character Yuffie. It helped introduce new gameplay elements and push certain storylines forward while connecting other plots from other side titles. So, will we get such DLC for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth? No. That comes not from us, but from director Naoki Hamaguchi, who told the Daily Star:
“I understand it completely, but I think, from my perspective, what the fans really want to see the most is not necessarily DLC. They want to see the third part of the series as quickly as possible. So that’s why we’ve decided not to focus the development resources on creating additional extra episodes for DLC at the moment. We really are putting all our efforts into getting the third game out as quickly as we can.”
That makes sense when you think about it, as this game truly sets up the “final act” of the original story, and there is only so many “side stories” you could tell within it anyway without getting convoluted. Focusing on Part 3 is smart, as fans want it sooner rather than later.
Another thing fans want is for the achievements to be easier to get this time around. The director admits that they will be easier to get in the final entry:
“There is one other thing actually, which I can say was a mistake on my part, something that I’ve already apologized for, and I definitely will not do again, which is how difficult I made it to get the Platinum Trophy… Rest assured I have learned from that and in future I will not be making Platinum Trophies that difficult.”
So, all progress going forward will be toward making the third game and ensuring it’s easier to 100% complete.