Software updates for consoles aren’t something that is talked about too often unless they’re a significant one. After all, most gamers only care about the games they play, not the updates to the hardware they play it on. Many of you likely can’t recall the last hardware update you had for your console, right? But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to them, because sometimes, they’ll add things you enjoy. A great example can be found in the newest PS5 update. Sony added many things to their console with this update, and on the PlayStation Blog, they broke down what you can access from it.
For example, with the update, you can go onto Discord to chat with your friends via the system. Discord has quickly become the go-to place for people to do gaming chats, so having this on your PS5 is a welcome thing. However, it should be noted that you must link your PlayStation 5 account to Discord. If you have linked your Sony account to the service in the past to Discord, it won’t work. You have to permit it to work on the new system.
If you’ve wanted to show a friend something on your screen or see something on theirs, you can now send a “Share Screen Request” right from their profile. That way, you can do what you need to do quickly without jumping through hoops.
Or if you have a “Party Chat” open, the members of that chat can easily jump into the game you have open via the new “Join Game” button within the chat. All you or they have to do is select the person in the chat playing a game and click “Join Game.”
For those who want to know how many of their friends have a certain title, you can check out the “Friends Who Play” title. You’ll see who has it and also see if they’re playing the game right now!
Sony has heard your requests if you’ve been hoping to share your screenshots more easily from your PlayStation 5. You can now upload screenshots from your system directly to the PS App to send them across social media without taking multiple steps.
Other improvements via the update include more personalized options, such as with your system’s framerate and graphical quality, the gaming library’s appearance, and new accessibility features!
Check out the blog for the full breakdown of the system update.