Though Dehya will be available on the Standard Banner, it means that she’ll never get a limited banner rerun. But for anyone who gets Dehya on the Genshin Impact Standard Banner, maybe she’ll make a rotation into your Spiral Abyss lineup.
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Dehya can fit wherever you need her in your team, but each build should be adjusted to her position. Overall, Dehya works best as a Sub-DPS since she can deal some decent damage while your Main DPS charges up. Otherwise, Dehya can work as a Pyro Support since her Fiery Sanctum field consistently applies Pyro.
Best Position – Sub-DPS or Support
Dehya can be built as a Main DPS if you need it, but she’s better suited for a Sub-DPS or Support position. Fiery Sanctum does not require Dehya to be on the field for it to function. The field will continually apply Pyro damage and increase your active character’s resistance to interruption (basically, you won’t go flying every time a Mitichurl whacks you).
If you want to use Dehya as a Sub-DPS, focus on keeping her Elemental Burst charged and ready to go. Typically, you’ll want to get into a pattern of applying her Skill and then her Burst. This allows you to keep a Fiery Sanctum field active for a bit longer. Since the Sub-DPS build focuses more on Dehya’s damage power than her damage mitigation, you should focus on ATK% Artifacts rather than HP% ones. If you want some better reaction damage, then add a Pyro DMG Bonus Artifact to the lineup.
If you want to use Dehya as a Support, then you should focus on her Max HP stat instead. You want to take advantage of her damage mitigation, especially for more fragile Main DPS characters like Ganyu. Because of Fiery Sanctum, you’ll have a consistent Pyro source for reactions, so your Main DPS should use that to their advantage.
Best Weapons
As of Genshin Impact Version 3.5, no 5-Star Claymores have a HP% stat. Instead, you need to look at the Weapon Skill buffs. Disregard Weapon Skills with Normal Attack bonuses since Dehya will not rely on that Talent for damage. Elemental Skill or Burst buffs would be much better for Dehya. So this really leaves only two 5-Star Claymores.
5-Star – Beacon of the Reed Sea
Dehya’s signature weapon is her best weapon. Beacon of the Reed Sea increases the wielder’s CRIT Rate by a percentage. After the wielder’s Elemental Skill hits an opponent, they receive an ATK increase for 8 seconds. After the wielder takes DMG, their ATK also increases for 8 seconds. Both effects can be triggered even if the wielder is not on the field. If the wielder is not protected by a shield, their Max HP will be increased by a percentage.
Dehya functions best with added ATK and HP stats, so the Beacon of the Reed Sea is perfect for her. Using this claymore also encourages you to run a Healer with Dehya rather than a Shield Support. Like Bennett. Bennett is awesome.
Wolf’s Gravestone is the next best claymore for Dehya due to its ATK buffs and conditional HP buff. If you find yourself needing more Energy Recharge, Skyward Pride is a good option.
4-Star – Katsuragikiri Nagamasa
This claymore is best for keeping Dehya’s Burst charged while providing a damage buff. Katsuragikiri also increases the wielder’s Elemental Skill DMG by a percentage. After an Elemental Skill hits an opponent, the wielder loses 3 Energy, but regenerates 3 Energy every 2 seconds for the next 6 seconds. So you lose 3 Energy, but receive a net gain of 6 Energy. This can only occur once every 10 seconds and can be triggered if the wielder is not on the field.
The extra DMG helps buff Dehya’s Elemental Skill, where most of her DMG comes from, while the Energy effect helps keep her Burst charged.
The Favonius Greatsword increases the wielder’s Energy Recharge. Additionally, CRIT Hits increase the wielder’s chances of generating an additional 6 Energy for them. This can occur once every 12 seconds. This is a good alternative if you’re not getting the Energy Recharge you want out of the Katsuragikiri Nagamasa.
The Bell increases the wielder’s HP and generates a shield. Most likely, you’ll see better damage from Dehya with The Bell over the Favonius Greatsword. Plus, The Bell will protect Dehya and help save her HP for her damage mitigation.
3-Star – Debate Club
The Debate Club increases the wielder’s ATK by a percentage and deals an additional attack after the wielder uses an Elemental Skill or Normal Attack. The effect lasts 15 seconds and DMG only occurs once every 3 seconds. So you’ll get 5 extra attacks out of this.
The Bloodtainted Greatsword will help if you’re focusing on Pyro reaction damage. This increases the wielder’s Elemental Mastery and increases DMG dealt against enemies affected by Pyro or Electro.
If you need some healing without a healer, you can try running the White Iron Greatsword. But since it only boosts DEF%, you’d be better off with either of the other two claymores.
Best Artifacts
Dehya’s Artifacts will depend on what position you put her in. But no matter what position you put her in, you want Pyro DMG Bonus and one of the CRIT stats as your Goblet and Circlet Main Stats, respectively.
Additionally, for all builds, your substats should include Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate and DMG, Elemental Mastery, ATK%, and HP%. If you decide to build Dehya as a Support, prioritize HP% over ATK%.
Also, don’t be afraid to mix and match from these sets depending on what you need! 2PC Tenacity and 2PC Crimson Witch could work well depending on your team.
Main DPS: Crimson Witch of Flames
Dehya’s Main DPS build focuses on boosting Pyro reaction damage through the Crimson Witch of Flames set. At 2 pieces, the wielder receives a 15% Pyro DMG Bonus. At 4 pieces, the set increases Overloaded, Burning, and Burgeon DMG by 40%. Vaporize and Melt DMG increases by 15%. Using an Elemental Skill increases the 2-Piece effect by 50% for 10 seconds, with a maximum of 3 stacks.
Using this set does encourage you to try out a Pyro-Electro-Dendro team, which actually can work out really well. For example, you could try Hu Tao, Dehya, Dendro Traveler, and Kuki Shinobu. Just keep in mind that Crimson Witch works best for reaction damage. If you’re planning to create a full Pyro team, do not use this set!
Look for ATK% or Elemental Mastery Main Stats on your Sands piece.
Sub-DPS: Emblem of Severed Fate
At 2 pieces, Emblem increases the wielder’s Energy Recharge by 20%. At 4 pieces, it increases the wielder’s Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of their Energy Recharge. This DMG buff maxes out at 75%.
Overall, this is the best set for increasing Dehya’s Elemental Burst DMG, with the added bonus of keeping her Burst charged. If you use this set, prioritize the Energy Recharge Substat over the rest.
Support: Tenacity of the Millelith
At 2 pieces, Tenacity increases the wielder’s HP by 20%. At 4 pieces, when an Elemental Skill hits an opponent, all nearby party members’ ATK increases by 20% and their Shield Strength increases by 30% for 3 seconds. This can be triggered once every 0.5 seconds and can be triggered even when the wielder is not on the field.
This boosts Dehya’s HP for her damage mitigation and lets her provide more ATK buffs for her team. If you use Tenacity, you should use a Shield Support over a Healer so the Shield Strength buff doesn’t go to waste.
Best Teams
Overall, Dehya works best when she can contribute to your Elemental Reactions. You’ll have the most flexibility with a Burgeon/Vaporize team. While you do need a solid Dendro character, this is a pretty easy team for anyone to put together. It does not require two Hydro characters, though that’s an option. You can replace a Hydro character with an Anemo character for the Swirl effect.
Xingqiu, Bennett, and Sucrose are the best 4-Star characters to add to a team with Dehya. But unfortunately, in order to get the best performance out of Dehya, you need at least one more 5-Star character, such as Nahida, Alhaitham, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Yelan, or Ganyu.