It wasn’t all that long ago that Team Ninja announced their newest title, the beautiful and brutal, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty coming to Xbox, PlayStation, and PC, and what was at the time, even more impressive, was the fact that the game was slated for release in 2023, no mean feat considering their ongoing work on Stranger Of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin’s DLC, Nioh and more. If you’re as impressed with the release window as much as we were at the time, then you’ll be even more astounded to learn that a demo is on the way.
In a tweet from the official Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Twitter feed the developers slying inserted a note, buried by tickboxes highlighting the game’s fantastic feature set, that said a gameplay trial would be coming in the near future. How near that is obviously remains to be seen, but the prospect is a tasty one for fans eager to see where Wo Long stands compared to other recent Team Ninja titles.
“Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty follows the dramatic, action-packed story of a nameless militia soldier fighting for survival in a dark fantasy version of the Later Han Dynasty where demons plague the Three Kingdoms.
Players fight off deadly creatures and enemy soldiers using swordplay based on the Chinese martial arts, attempting to overcome the odds by awakening the true power from within.“
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a collaboration between Team Ninja producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) and Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne), and will launch in early 2023 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, also via Gamepass, PS4, PS5, and PC. With the release date presumably less than a year away, expect to seeing and hearing a lot more from Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty in the weeks and months to come.
Wo Long was one of several Japanese developed games announced at the Xbox + Bethesda Games Showcase in June that saw Hideo Kojima officially announce his collaboration with the console maker, Persona 3-5 coming to Xbox, and more.