Released in 2011 as a sequel to 2007’s Portal, Portal 2 is a much beloved game from Valve’s repertoire (what Valve game isn’t?). But, there may be a couple of things that you didn’t know about Portal or its sequel, like, say 10 Portal Facts You Probably Didn’t Know…about Portal?
You can check out the video above for the complete rundown, but some of the highlights include the fact that Portal was initially an idea conceived by senior students at DigiPen Institute of Technology, Portal 2 initially didn’t have any portals in it, and J.J. Abrams was slated to make a Portal movie before taken on the reins of Stars Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens.
Let us know in the comments some not-so-well-known Portal facts we missed in this video and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos every day!