When you’re struggling against bosses, don’t beat your head against a wall — do more damage instead. Rogue Legacy 2 is the sequel to one of the early indie-boom rogue-likes, and this game adds even more difficulty to your generational quest to conquer many dungeons. Instead of respawning, you’ll have to raise an entire lineage of warriors and unlock legacies to upgrade yourself over-time. One permanent upgrade you can unlock is a +15% damage bonus to an area’s boss. Once you’ve unlocked the damage boost, it is permanent and remains even on NG+. Not a bad reward, you just need to find the super-secret locations.
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Boss Damage Boost Locations Guide
To earn +15% permanent damage boosts against bosses, you need to complete multiple runs of a biome and collect lore. Lore is randomly generated but always in the same type of room on future runs. Find all the lore to earn a clue toward the hidden +15 damage boost location in the biome. You don’t need to find the lore if you can unlock the hidden location — they’re randomized, but always appear in the same room configurations. We’ll try our best to describe each one for you and include the clue so you can find these damage boosts yourself.
Citadel Agartha: “I’ve hidden my abode in the Tower of Lights. Against the far wall, between the fifth and sixth lantern lies a secret door.”
- Reach a tall tower room with many hanging lanterns. From the bottom, jump up to the fifth lantern and attack the wall to the left to reveal a hidden door.
Axis Mundi: “The backdoor to the Kerguelen’s Gatehouse is revealed in the lights.”
- At the gatehouse with the water wheels, look for a lantern on the ceiling. Smash through the ceiling and jump up, following the lanterns through the secret path.
Kergeulen Plateau: “I stare down at the Gates, high in my little nook on the cliff’s edge.”
- Outside the boss arena, jump to the upper-right corner where there’s a snowy cliff ledge. Hop up and into the corner so far your character leaves the screen. Then you’ll collect the enhancement.
Stygian Study: “USE your will to pull the bridge at the East Tower back into existence.”
- At the large room in the east of the map, reach a tower with a large balcony with seemingly nothing to the right. At the edge of the balcony, press “USE” to reveal a bridge.
Sun Tower: “Base of the tower, there’s a Trick Wall to the right of the void lift.”
- In the entrance room to the Sun Tower, reach the first void lift. There’s a breakable wall to the right that can only be reached after launching yourself up.
Pishon Dry Lake: “Exactly where the accessories are located in the Empty Storeroom.”
- In the Storeroom Area, travel to the spot where the sign / map points to “Accessories” — go there and attack the floor to reveal a hidden passage.
Final Boss: The final boss works differently. To gain +6 Damage Bonuses against the true final boss, you need to defeat all the Prime Forms of the previous six bosses. Defeating them will unlock special Golden Memories that automatically unlock the final boss damage boost.
That’s a lot of mysterious locations to uncover. These damage boosts are permanent and can be used again and again on future playthroughs. And you’ll need all the damage boosts you can get to finally defeat the true final boss of Rogue Legacy 2. Say goodluck to your future generations.