Nintendo has a few iconic video game franchises that thrive over multiple console generations. One of those iconic titles that blew up and continued to thrive today is Super Smash Bros. This was a platform fighter that first got its start during the days of the Nintendo 64 console. However, the title went with Nintendo-focused IPs rather than feature unique characters and designs.
Fans quickly took up with the game as you had iconic fighters, level designs, and item drops. However, it wasn’t long before we started to see Nintendo bring out some other iconic characters from other fan-favorite video game franchises. In addition, we saw some characters get added in or removed with each new installment. However, the latest game brought a drastic roster list into play. With Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, players were given every character that appeared in a Super Smash Bros. game.
That alone is a hefty list of characters, but Nintendo continued on adding newcomers into the game. Recently, the game just received its last character addition, which was Sora from Kingdom Hearts. You might have assumed that a new game is already underway, but that’s not the case. Recently, IGN spoke with Masahiro Sakurai, the director behind the Super Smash Bros. games. When asked about the future of the series, Sakurai confirmed that there is no game currently being developed.
While it’s likely that the roster would be cut down if there was a new game, it looks like nothing is planned. According to the iconic developer, there might not ever be a new game. We could be at the moment where Super Smash Bros. is completed. Although with its massive success, that’s a little hard to believe. At the moment, there is no game officially in development, but that might not matter at the moment with as many players currently enjoying Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.