Mortal Kombat X is by and large one of the most violent games currently sitting in the games industry spotlight. This hasn't stopped it from becoming one of the most played games of 2015 so far, though. We're experiencing a huge dry spell of no fighting games, so Mortal Kombat X arrives at the perfect time to satiate gamers' lust.
It's not often that we think about what those outside of our hobby think. The men and women over at TheFineBros on Youtube have done just that, asking a myriad of elderly folks to watch some of the fatalities from Mortal Kombat X. Their reactions range from genuine interest to turning their face away from the screen in disgust. The reactions that are gathered in this footage are priceless, and perfectly exemplify the desensitization to violence that younger generations have experienced via video games.
There are some great one liners throughout the video, so be sure to tune in and check it out. We've provided the video for you here, or you can go watch it on Youtube to join in on the larger discussion.