The Metal Gear Solid franchise, produced by Kojima Productions, is one of the most important series of our time. The game features titular protagonist Solid Snake, who must work to save the world through subterfuge and precision. For those that have not yet tried an entry into the Metal Gear canon, you're missing out. Personally, I didn't even play a game in the franchise until Metal Gear Solid 4, but it still stands as one of my favorite games of all time.
All this fanfare gives the news of today some very important reinforcement. Famitsu is reporting that across all titles, the Metal Gear Solid franchise has sold over 40 million copies. This is quite the landmark, considering Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain has yet to even be released. If The Phantom Pain has a solid release, the series could be looking at 50 million units sold by year's end.
We're very excited to see where Hideo Kojima and his team take the franchise.