The Infamous franchise started back in 2009, and it was a bit of a hit for the PlayStation consoles. After first appearing on the PlayStation 3 by developers Sucker Punch Productions, the game series continued through 2014 with Infamous First Light for the PlayStation 4. Unfortunately, however, that’s the last we have seen of this IP. Although that might change up here soon as a new report claims a game announcement could be coming in a matter of days.
Sucker Punch Productions has released several iconic IPs for the PlayStation line of consoles. These are the folks behind Infamous, Sly Cooper, and more recently, Ghost of Tsushima. While the folks might be the creators of Infamous, there’s a chance that this IP could have been swapped to another studio since Ghost of Tsushima was such a big success. Rather than going back to another IP, chances are the studio will be sticking with Ghost of Tsushima for a good while longer.
This news comes from an industry insider by the name of @Shpeshal_Nick on Twitter. The insider claims they have heard Infamous could make a return at this week’s Sony showcase event. We don’t know just what all will be showcased at the event, so it very well could have a big surprise like Infamous making a return. Although the insider also stated that they couldn’t get this information confirmed, so it could very well be a false rumor.
Of course, some of these games might be bittersweet announcements. This is because so many consumers out there are having a tough time just acquiring the PlayStation 5 unit. The PlayStation showcase event will currently be held on September 9, 2021, at 1 PM PDT.