If you're a fan of game modifications, then you should be excited to hear that Dragon Age: Inquisition was recently cracked by a group of modders. While this is generally seen as the natural evolution of RPGs on PC, it's always good to have that segment of time after a game's launch where everyone focuses on the actual game, rather than modifications.
If anyone is familiar with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, then you'll know about game modifications. Some of the earliest ones involved rolling huge numbers of cheese wheels down large mountains. Others were more complex, offering gamers player-made quests and such. Basically, game modifications add an entirely new layer of infrastructure to any game. While this content might not be as high on the value ladder as something made by the game's original developer, modders usually work to keep a game relevant long after developers have moved on to other projects. They're a very vital part of the gaming community, and their work is often overlooked. Making game modifications can be a very tiring and cumbersome process, and it's very rare that anyone is paid to create these game-altering changes.
Basically, there's a lot of techinical jargon that even I can't understand. Apparently, you'll need to extract certain files, move them to other areas, and then use a program to do work on them. I know, that's very vague, but you can look at the actual process here. That link will take you to the official post on the Bioware forums, where modders are beginning to congregate. If modding is your thing, head on over and join the conversation!