While the Civilization franchise hasremained deeply entrenched in the doings of Earth and its inhabitants, new iteration Beyond Earth looks to change up the familiar formula and offer players a very different experience. This seems like a great idea, considering the wealth of imagination sitting over at Firaxis Games, who is developing the title. While it takes no small amount of creativity to do what Firaxis Games has already done with the Civilization series, taking things to space will surely require a bit more thought.
The game is set to release on October 24 later this year. With the game's release looming over our heads, many players are undoubtedly looking to get the upper hand on their future opponents by looking up strategies and familiarizing themselves with the game's various units and resources – which will of course be very different from previous entries into the Civilization series, given the space-centered theme of this iteration.
We have brought a video where MadDjinn, who is both Youtuber and fairly accomplished gamer, guest stars on an episode of the Civilization livestream. In this video, MadDjinn offers a "masterclass" in Beyond Earth's various tactical elements. With his expertise, you may need to pause the video or rewind a few times to really catch what is going on. It is also a pleasure just to see more footage of the game, which is shaping up to be a huge hit for Firaxis Games.
Check out the video below, which clocks in at about one hour and thirty minutes.