Ninja Theory, the studio behind Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, and the critically acclaimed DMC Devil May Cry, has confirmed plans to reveal a new game in a short while.
Speaking on Twitter, the Cambridge-based UK studio said: "Cannot wait to show off some new Ninja work. It's been too long." It added: "We'll be announcing a new project soon, which is a new IP.”
The studio’s co-founder Tameem Antoniades is expected to reveal the new IP during a presentation at the Game Developers Conference Europe, which runs in conjunction with the Gamescom event in mid-August.
He’s slated to give a talk titled “The AAA Design Postmortem”, in which he’ll be discussing some of the company’s failed projects as well as its successes, and talk about future games the company is currently developing.
The session will cover "the unrealised sequel to Kung Fu Chaos, footage of an as-yet-undisclosed next generation game, and various other pitches that we had to put on ice or walk away from".
"With the next generation consoles arriving at the top end, just as mobile and indie games have taken hold at the bottom, perhaps there is room for a third way, to turn the 'squeezed middle,' where many a good studio has disappeared, into an opportunity to redefine gaming: the AAA indie game."
via CVG.