We have information on The Order: 1886, via E3 interview with director Dana Jan.
As director, Dana oversees the project, making sure all the departments within the studio are working towards making the game the best it can be.
Dana talks about balancing what Ready At Dawn is interested in making, versus what fans want to see. Developers don’t necessarily always know what fans want, even if fans think this is self-evident. What Ready At Dawn did is make a bet; they assumed that if they liked the game, and so did SCE, than so will the fans.
As a new IP, Ready At Dawn was passionate about building it from the ground up, if a little stressful. Feedback from E3 has been good so far. They’re mostly proud of the fact that they entered an genre unfamiliar to them.
The devs were particularly interested the game’s setting, Victorian era 1886. They had a particular interest in London, including its architecture, history, tech and craftsmanship.
Dana reaffirms that the Playstation 4 is powerful, in fact, more powerful than they expected. It definitely has all the power they need to push the game as far as they wanted, with the prerendered cinematics. They believe they will be able to push the system even further if a sequel gets made, based on how far they were able to take it now that the project is winding down.
The Order: 1886 will be coming to Playstation 4 in 2015.