Carbine has just announced plans to release all new content for WildStar, the first piece of which comes in the form of an endgame (Level 50) zone called The Strain. The studio plans to release it during the week of June 30.
The Strain’s content includes a new zone, new solo content, new gear, housing items, costumes, and mounts, and existing areas will be drastically altered.
I personally got to see the new zone—Blighthaven—in action during a meeting with Carbine Studios’ developers yesterday evening. It looks all sorts of creepy with its Strain-themed environment, which looks like it’s been infected with some sort of virus.
Here’s what’s in store with The Strain:
· New Zone, Blighthaven: a massive new zone that includes Cankertube swamp and the gastrointestinal terrors of the Globellum!
· New solo content: a new group event like a tower defense game (Guardians of the Grove) and a dungeon-like area for group combat called The Nursery that includes a Boss fight against the Strain-corrupted Elyona the Mad.
· Players will also unlock new Strain-themed gear, housing items, costumes and mounts.
· Players will be able to revisit areas from Nexus that have been drastically altered; Northern Wilds becomes Northern Wastes and is now a crash site.
For a better idea of what The Strain looks like, check out this newly released flick, which details the content within the new zone.