Super Mario 3D World? Pretty fantastic. That HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker? Yup, that’s a beautiful piece of software. Nintendo has been steadily releasing brilliant pieces of software on both the Wii U and 3DS over the course of 2013, but unfortunately, the poor sales of its home console have made it difficult for people to even notice the company’s valiant efforts. Jason Rubin, Naughty Dog co-founder and former boss of THQ, argues to GameTrailers that the best way to solve this problem is to just get out of the hardware business.
"Nintendo is irrelevant as a hardware manufacturer in the console business," Rubin said. "It is a crime that we do not play those games on the systems that we have."
Rubin claims that the company is a “worldwide treasure,” but finds it frustrating that consumers just can’t play the multitude of creative products on hardware that more people actually have. The Wii U has failed to sell to the current market of consumers, and the launch of next-generation platforms has made it even more difficult for the company to draw attention to itself.
Will Nintendo listen? It’s unlikely, but the thought of playing Nintendo games on other platforms is pretty damn exciting.