The Switch gaming repository is growing at a pretty fast rate (most of which have been small indie titles), at launch, the console had a very minimal amount of titles to pick from, now, just over last week, we’ve seen 20 new additions to the eShop.
And it’s not slowing down, Bethesda’s Skyrim and DOOM will both be making their way to the console in the coming months, proving the Switch’s capability of running triple-A titles (even if they have been downscaled).
Hiroki Omae, Unity’s Japanese Regional Director recently revealed that a large portion of the Switch’s games actually run on their engine
More than 30% of games released on Switch to-date are made with Unity”, he said to while addressing the state of the engine. “Unity has been providing developer support for Nintendo Switch since day one”, he added.
While Unity has become an important engine for Nintedo, it isn’t to say that there aren’t any problems, at least two prominent titles facing development problems and in both cases the studio has pointed at the engine supplier. Battle Chasers: Nightwar should be landing this Tuesday on the Switch, for instance, but isn’t, as the studio is “waiting on some updates to Unity that we’ll need before we can comfortably promise a release date for the game”.
The other well-known case is Yooka-Laylee, as the 3D platformer has had its issues with the Switch too. Here’s what Playtonic had to say on the matter:
“We’ve encountered some final technical hurdles and had been waiting for the arrival of Unity 5.6 in order to fix them. Although this has now been released, it has unfortunately introduced other issues which we are working with Unity to resolve before we can submit to Nintendo and lock in our release timeline.”
(via GameReactor)