There are a few things associated with the Halo franchise; from epic, sci-fi gunfights, to having an engaging storyline for an FPS. However there is one thing the franchise isn't know for, and that's being funny.
Well. the video below might change that even for just a bit. In the video, the Mantis — the large mech that can be operated by players in Halo 4 — can be seen dancing. Yep, you read that right. In the video below, you will see a Mantis dancing, so what are you waiting for?
Okay, I admit, his actual dancing skills might need work but you can't deny that got a chuckle or two out of you. Heck, I'm not the biggest Halo fan in the world but I still laughed a bit when I saw that.
For more "relevant" Halo 4 info, you can check out our tips on how to be an effective sniper in multplayer, see our specializations guide, or even our skulls guide to see what each of them does.
Do you know of any other funny Halo 4 stuff? Show it to us and let others rate it.