Semi-Secret, which gave the world Canabalt and who effectively set the pace for all of iOS gaming, has a new game on the way. It's called Hundreds and is set to arrive on January 3, 2013.
The pedigree of the talents involved is quite impressive. The game itself is based upon a Flash game of the same name, and is the creation of Greg Wohlwend, whom might know from his hit iOS release Puzzlejuice.
The game was ported to the iPad by Semi Secret co-founder Eric Johnson, which was immediately refined by Adam Saltsman, who aside from the aforementioned Canabalt, did Gravity Hook the very warmly received Hunger Games tie-in Girl on Fire.
Composer Scott Morgan soon joined, and together they created a demo that, despite being only 10%, managed to nab two Honorable Mentions at the Independent Games Festival earlier this year. The Semi-Secret blog explains:
"Since then, we have continued to explore the game, greatly increasing the number of puzzles, creating a whole new game mode, refining the presentation, and even adding something akin to a narrative layer (or is it a meta-puzzle?). Eric rebuilt the game engine from the ground up, and then we re-optimized it to maintain 60fps even on the iPad1."
Until its release, everyone can play the web version, which can be found here.