Call of Duty fansite Charlie Intel released a new gameplay video of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 showcasing some raw multiplayer footage taking place aboard a luxury cruise ship not unlike the one in Max Payne 3—you know, the one that gets really depressing towards the end of the mission and forced me to pop a Xanax just to keep my head in line.
My mental issues aside, the footage shown in the Black Ops 2 video appears to be new, and Youtube commentator Matroix has been helpful enough to provide a breakdown of all the details within the minute-and-a-half gameplay video.
The video showcases extensive use of multiple weapons including the MP7, the M27, the FN SCAR, and the Crossbow.
The SCAR is still a powerful weapon, but it appears to have been slightly toned down, so it isn't as powerful as it used to be in the first Black Ops.
The futuristic crossbow is also shown in the trailer, holding three sets of three bolts (to a total of nine bolts), allowing you to fire these sets in quick succession. The crossbow can be upgraded with a red dot sight and a tri-attachment that allows you to fire all three bolts simultaneously. Like every other weapon, you can attach camouflage to it.
Also showcased is the Guardian kill-streak, which allows you to place a stationary dish that does light damage over time to players in its line of fire. You can die if you stand in its line of fire for too long.
Another new weapon is the M27, which appears to be the equivalent of the M4 from Black Ops. The one shown in the video is equipped with a laser dot attachment that stabilizes your aim.
Be sure to watch the whole video for further details.
Black Ops 2 is set for a November 13 release on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.