Square’s Luminous Engine Shows the Future
It's like walking through a real parking garage, without the smell of stale pee and empty cans of lager.
It's like walking through a real parking garage, without the smell of stale pee and empty cans of lager.
The full details of the upcoming Warhammer 40K MMO from THQ and Vigil has been revealed.
Changing your Origin ID involves a workaround that shouldn't take more than a few minutes to do.
Just like Randall and Hopkirk Deceased, crimes are seldom easier to solve just because you have a friend who's a ghost
Rockstar is planning to release Grand Theft Auto III for the iOS and Android.
Former developers from Rare have announced a new MMO for the XBLA.
Predictions regarding the next generation of consoles are made by panelists in GDC.
Meet the latest Skullgirl character, Painwheel.
Warhammer 40K will take to the online shores in Dark Millennium Online.
Find out how to opt in the dashboard preview
Far from dead, Warhammer Online may yet have a future ahead of it.
Dead Island has had a rocky launch and been deemed more than a bit buggy, but it’s clearly getting some polishing work done as a new patch arises.
While it is known that Modern Warfare 3 is a direct sequel to Modern Warfare 2, many comparisons are made to the last game in the Call of Duty series, Black Ops. Infinity Ward devs clarify where the similarities end.
Browser-based FPS game in the works by Reto-Moto.
A full preview of Mass Effect 3's upcoming multiplayer mode explains exactly what it's all about.
The new release of Daytona USA for the PS3 and 360 will see retro graphics with all new features.
With this new evidence, a spring release for the handheld is looking incredibly likely.
Twisted Pixel, creator of 'Splosion Man, Ms 'Splosion Man and The Gunstringer, have been bought buy Microsoft
PES 2012 is loaded with all sorts of animations and easter eggs that allow your players to celebrate in style.
The Samurai Warriors/Dynasty Warriors mash-up returns to Japan this year, hopefully with a EU/US release not too long after
A new trailer from DICE reveals just how explosive the gameplay in Battlefield 3 can be with the new destruction system.
The creator of Fallout, Tim Cain, has joined the ranks of Obsidian Entertainment.