Stepping into an MMO for the first time is daunting–really, stepping into any new franchise is. MMOs in particular have tons of lore, particular idiosyncrasies, conventions and so on on top of a learning curve to master. I don't envy anyone trying to step into a game for the first time, it can be a very discouraging experience. But this video, made by Arena Net themselves–the developers of the game–walks you through some of the basics of the game.
Personally, as someone who wasn't following Guild Wars too closely, it told me all sorts of useful information. Now I know which classes are included in the game and what their deal and strengths are, what the story is, why you're playing the game, what a bunch of the locations look like/are, how the game branches depending on choice, what dynamic events in the game are, and probably other things that I'm forgetting to mention. Definitely check it out if you need a primer on the game.
More games need 101's like this. I think it would help entice people by breaking all of the important information down. Not everyone reads websites every day keeping up with the latest updates of what is included in a game, so this can be useful to them. I wasn't even really considering Guild Wars 2 before but now it looks kind of interesting….which is great, because it's not like I don't have a huge backlog of games to go through, or like the fall explosion of games isn't about to hit full tilt. So I guess if that's also you, maybe you shouldn't watch this video. Heh.