Remember when Borderlands was all about the massive amount of procedurally generated weapons? Then that wub-step trailer came out and our brains were focused on dancing Claptraps. Well, Gearbox is using the Gamescom platform to remind us of their roots and show off some of the manufacturer specific weapons.
Three videos are available for your perusal, featuring the Maliwan, Tediore, and Vladof brands. Each short clip acts as a commercial for the respective weapons brand, giving players insight into the kind of special features each version carries.
Instead of merely skinning each "commercial" to show off the weapons for each brand, Gearbox has taken the time to really embody the style they are shooting for. The weapons trailers have their own very distinct style and voice. Maliwan is a minimalist take with the tag "Form Meets Function." Tediore is a retro commercial with some dark humor and a guy who has no thumbs due to a "horrific foreplay incident." Vladof rounds out the pack with a propaganda trailer that insists on starting the revolution.
Check out the videos below.
Borderlands 2 is slated for release on September 18 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC
Via Gematsu