Danger Close has released a new single-player trailer for Medal of Honor Warfighter and it shows the return of Preacher from the 2010 reboot.
Preacher, who was part of the Navy SEAL squad "Neptune" from the 2010 game, are sent in to "solve the problem" in Warfighter. While I have no doubt this is mostly — if not all — CGI, it's still some very impressive technologically.
Have a look at the trailer below.
The trailer states that "it's inspired by actual events," If so, that's a lot of explosions. I admit, I'm one of the many who liked 2010's Medal of Honor reboot's somber and more serious story. It showed a more "human" soldier than the ones we normally see in games that can take down entire opposing forces by themselves.
Almost all the military FPS' now show one set-piece after another and while that's exciting, there's nothing wrong with a little variety, no?
Here's to hoping Warfighter continues with that theme when it releases on October 23 for the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.