In this video brought to us by FinalCutKing, Mario escapes his virtual universe, sidescrolls his way throughout an office, and meets an unfortunate Pac-Man, some ghosts, and a few loose Tetrominos, all before making his way back into the digital realm.
And he does this by possessing Post It notes. In fact, in this very cool stop motion video, every videogame-related thing is made up of some of the 7,000 Post Its that populate this video.
It doesn't take long to watch, but in this Behind the Scenes video for Mario – Post It Life, creator Zach King explains that the film took lots of creativity (he even fashioned a camera on a dolly to be able to effectively take the hundreds of pictures required to form the video), and a lot more patience to put together. King explains that stop motion is a great way to learn filmmaking mainly because of the degree of attention to detail it teaches you, and how frustrating it is to ever make a mistake.
It's a painstaking process, but did it ever pay off.