Titanfall first burst into the world in 2014 as a Microsoft exclusive title. The video game franchise was met with an overall positive reception leading the development team, Respawn Entertainment, to go back and work on a follow-up sequel. This time around, gamers will have not only a multiplayer aspect to the game but a full campaign as well.
One of the biggest complaints from gamers when they first jumped into the mech action title was the lack of a storyline. Instead, gamers were just given two factions to choose from when battling online. This is something that Respawn Entertainment was looking to change with their upcoming sequel release, Titanfall 2.
The upcoming first-person mech shooter is bringing back plenty of elements that made Titanfall such a massive success in the past. Additionally, gamers will find that there is a whole plot that will focus on a Frontier Militia rifleman who is aspired to be a Titan pilot.
Today a new launch trailer has officially gone online showcasing the bond between a man and his titan machine. The duo both has their pros and cons, but while working together they make one incredible force of power.
There’s still a few days left until the game officially launches this October 28, 2016. Best of all, Titanfall 2 will be available for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 instead of being locked in as a Microsoft exclusive release. For now, take a look at the new trailer posted above along with the game gallery down below.