Yakuza 0 is an open world prequel game for the Yakuza series, developed by Sega. Set in December 1988 in Kamurocho and Sotenbori (based off of parts of Tokyo), Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima have to survive a war in the world of organized crime. The game already came out in Japan back in 2015, but a North American release is in the works. SEGA has released a new trailer for the game, which you can see below.
This game is what kicks off Kiryu’s journey through the series. As an underling in the Dojima family, he gets the short end of the stick when he’s blamed for the death of a debtor. That Goro Majima guy is playable for the first time in the Yakuza franchise, and he’s got his own way of doing business and fighting bad guys compared to his counterpart. What never changes is money rules the streets, and the more you got, the more power you have. With the Business Edition, you get a stainless steel business card holder, and three customized business cards with the protagonist’s information on them. Digital pre-orders on the Playstation store unlock a custom theme for your dashboard too.
Yakuza 0 is set to release worldwide on January 24th, 2017 for PS4. To learn more about the game, check out their website, Twitter, and Facebook.