The Tokyo Game Show is a video game expo that is held annually in September within Japan. This is an event similar to E3 that happens within the United States or Gamescom in Germany. Each year, hardware and upcoming video games are shown off to the public.
Now it has been officially confirmed by Microsoft that the company will not be attending the event much like how they opted out last year. The news came from a Microsoft-hosted press event within their Japanese headquarters.
According to DualShockers, the Microsoft company will be holding their own event known as Xbox Big Thanksgiving in October. This is an event that was also thrown together last year instead of attending the Tokyo Game Show.
At the event, Microsoft will show off their line of upcoming video game and will include a number of developers for fans to meet. Likewise, this time, around, Microsoft will be featuring Windows 10 heavily, likely due to their recent Play Anywhere functionality.
As of right now, there has yet to be any information regarding when exactly the event will take place, its venue, or how much tickets will cost. With that said, if you enjoy Microsoft and happen to be in the Tokyo area, perhaps you’ll be interested in checking out this year’s Xbox Big Thanksgiving.