Attack on Titan has become a behemoth of a franchise, no pun intended. The anime swarmed the world giving viewers an action-packed and drama fueled series that has sparked an interest in a wide range demographic. Now, a new video game, based off the hit anime series, will be coming out and today we’re learning about the Scout Mode.
Koei Tecmo has sent out a new press release that details multiplayer aspects for their release of Attack on Titan. The new mode being detailed is called Scout Mode, and this will allow players to recruit up to three other companions online for their ventures outside of the wall.
It’s the party leader’s choice of what mission will be accepted across a variety of different stages which includes the Forest of Giant Trees, the Ruined Town, a Farm Village, and lastly the Stohess District. However, before players set off to slay these giant titans, they’ll want to make some slight upgrades and adjustments to their equipment.
After slaying titans, players can pick up various items that can be used to make upgrades towards their Omni-Directional Mobility Gear, blades, and also their scabbard. Essentially, players can improve anchors, the distance of which they can attach themselves to a titan, along with their Omni-Directional Mobility Gear speed. Likewise, blades can be forged to increase its length along with becoming more durable.
Gamers can get their hands on a copy of Attack on Titan next month, August 30, 2016, for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, PC, and lastly the Xbox One.