Sony have posted an interesting picture to their PlayStation Facebook page, teasing something for a week today. Posted earlier this morning, smart bets seem to be on the reveal of the next God of War game, presumably God of War IV, a game that we've all known about for quite some time. Remember to look surprised, we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings!
Other leading guesses are "something to do with Uncharted" – thanks to the font, apparently – or new information on Metal Gear: Reveangance. Either would be a pretty big deal, although if it's the latter we have to ask why it would be on the official PlayStation facebook – Move support perhaps?
With E3 around the corner, it seems an odd time to announce a major new title in a flagship Sony series like God of War, so I'm definitely very conscious about this picture being TOO obvious. Let's face it though, it IS going to be God of War.