Usually when we post a rumour or a leaker trailer, we tell you to take it with a pinch of salt. There's a lot of talented people out there and the majority of them want to use those considerable talents making people feel as if there are exciting things coming in the near-future of gaming that aren't really real. For some reason, they get kicks from it instead of getting money, which seems like madness.
In this leaked trailer for Lost Planet 3, however, it looks far too good to be the work of a kid in his parent's basement, too genuine to be a joke. There's always a chance of course, but it seems highly unlikely and an official announcement is probably only around the corner.
The trailer claims that the game will be available in 2013 and that it's being made by Spark, the team behind Legendary and Turning Point: Fall of Liberty.
Update: When I said an official announcement was around the corner, I wasn't at all joking.