As we’ve talked about numerous times on the site, video game adaptations have a tendency to either be extremely good or extremely bad. Seriously, it’s incredibly rare that we get the “middle ground” of “it’s just okay,” especially when it comes to the live-action adaptations that continually happen. Anyway, the next movie that will get the “scrutiny” of fans and critics is the Minecraft Movie. You may recall that when the film dropped its first teaser trailer…not a lot of people were happy about what they saw. In fact, it was heavily disliked, and fans of all ages ripped apart elements of what they saw.
If you didn’t see, a new trailer came out recently, and it focused a bit more on the story and creativity of the world that real-life humans come upon.
Minecraft Movie director Jared Hess is acutely aware of all the complaints and issues that many had with the first teaser, and in a chat with IGN, noted that he was kind of expecting it:
“I mean, look, we knew this game represents so many different things to so many different people. We knew that whatever we led out with, there was going to be strong opinions across the spectrum of what people were expecting, what they wanted it to be. Everybody brings their own special personal connection to the game. So we were ready for everything.”
Now, if you’re wondering why they’re going with a mix of live-action and CGI, you need to hear from senior director of original content Torfi Frans Olafsson, who noted that animated content was an option…but they wanted to go in a direction no one had really done yet:
“We made animated content before, and there’s a lot of it out there. But that was also one of the reasons why the filmmakers wanted to go with live action rather than animate it, rather than do something that’s been done before. And this movie’s been in development for a very, very long time. A lot of the people who will see it were not born when the first contracts and the first discussions were had, and there was always going to be live action.”
So, yeah, they’ve been planning this for a while, and they want to set new visions of what it would be like to be in this world. Now, whether it’s actually successful or not is debatable. We’ll have to wait until April 4th to find out!