It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a while since Astro Bot dropped on PS5 and charmed the world with visuals, gameplay, Astro, and just the overall whimsy and wonder that its world exuded. There’s a reason why many consider it the top contender for “Game of the Year,” even if it has gotten some competition in recent weeks. Anyway, the game is a bonafide hit with fans and critics, and the crew at Team Asobi seemed to realize that they needed to get some extra content for it sooner rather than later, which is why they’re dropping free levels via an update that’ll arrive starting tomorrow!
On the PlayStation Blog, Team Asobi broke down what you can expect from the Oct. 17th update, and when you can expect more content overall:
“We have read so many great reviews and received so many positive comments, and it’s been amazing. However, if there was one piece of feedback that came through loud and clear, it was that you wanted more. So rather than put our little robotic feet up just yet, we have been busily beavering away, and we have some new surprises ready for you. As announced in the recent State of Play trailer, starting on Oct. 17th we will be releasing the first of our brand new speedrun levels, Building Speed. These levels will test your platforming skills and alongside an online leaderboard, will give you the chance to compete against all your PlayStation friends.”
As for what this first new level will be, you’ll have to go through a city with a booster on your back and attempt to work through the many obstacles that come your way. One of those obstacles is apparently a car wash. Go figure.
The team also notes that once the free update drops tomorrow, a brand new level will come to Astro Bot every week until the speedrun set is complete. Thus, you won’t have to wait long for your next gameplay fix, and you can stick with each level for a while so you can perfect your skill as you wait for the next one. The final level will arrive on Nov. 14th.
Plus, as they teased in the quote above, there are new bots for you to rescue, with some of them being revealed in the previous State of Play trailer. They wouldn’t who some of the other bots were that need help, which means you’ll need to pay attention to see who needs Astro’s help.