Metro Awakening, set to release later this year, is a spin-off set in the Metro universe. The story-driven first-person adventure is being built exclusively for VR, something frustrating a large amount of the franchise’s fanbase. However, some new screenshots for the title look impressive, showing off just how powerful the PS VR 2 can be.
The story of Metro Awakening was created by Dmitry Glukhovsky, the man who wrote the books on which the franchise is based. Although the title will be a little slower than past entries, there will be plenty of action for players to look forward to.
“But rest assured for everybody that is a little bit more trigger-happy, there’s plenty of classic Metro action in the game,” said creative director Martin de Ronde.
“I think it’s also good to say that the mainline games, of course, have Artyom. After the first game he becomes a Spartan. But in [Metro Awakening], our protagonist is not necessarily a combat expert. So with that in mind, it also fits better to have a bit of a slower pace to the combat versus narrative than the original Metro series,” said game director Samar Louwe.
Franchise developer 4A Games is supplying Vertigo Games with assets from games in the main series.
“We look at what the strengths are of the franchise, and specifically on which of those strengths are translatable to VR. And some of the things that we noticed is the dynamic that they have between stealth and combat. And always making sure that you’re on your toes, and that you are never really sure when people are going to spot you,” said Louwe in an interview with PlayStation Blog.
“That’s something that works very, very well in VR. There’s just something about creeping up on enemies, listening to what they’re talking about. Of course the nature of VR, you can physically sit behind cover, maybe you can peer through a hole in the cover, and then you can spy on your enemies.”